© CEVI Portugal

Our Members

The members' map

CEVI members


Association des vignerons de Wallonie (ASBL)Belgique Wallonie


Organisation Professionnelle des Vignerons Indépendants 


Federação Nacional de Viticultores Independentes de Portugal 


Združenje družinskih vinogradnikov-vinarjev Slovenije  


Association Suisse des Vignerons-Encaveurs Indépendants 

How to become a member ?

  • If you are a winegrower and you would like to join CEVI it is necessary to join one of the CEVI national association – the association of the country where you practise.
  • If you are a nationally organised association composed exclusively of Independent Winegrowers, please contact us via our contact form.

© Daniela Jeremijevic – Vignerons Indépendants de France

Independent Winemakers: Passion for the Vine.

The Independent Winegrower, where Terroir becomes Wine