What is Vindependent?
Founded on 12th March 2005, the Hungarian Association of Independent Winegrowers (Vindependent) aims primarily to advocate for the interests of small and medium-sized winegrowers in liaising and consulting with trade organisations and authorities in Hungary and the European Union. Vindependent also provides a forum for the discussion of related economic and legislative issues, as well as issues of European and national policies with a view to finding a common ground and driving advocacy accordingly.
With its Ecological Section, Vindependent is also the only advocacy organisation for organic growers in Hungary, assisting such producers through organising, training and educational events, as well as providing occasional consultancy. The Eco Section is headed up by Tokaj-Hétszőlő estate manager and board member Gergely Makai.

Organisation chart:
President: Márta Wille-Baumkauff, Winegrower at Pendits, Tokaj president@vindependent.hu
Board Members:
- Gergely Makai, Winegrower at Tokaj-Hétszőlő, Tokaj
- Zoltán Heimann Jr, Winegrower at Heimann Családi Birtok, Szekszárd
Admin Officer: Gergely Somogyi admin@vindependent.hu